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Our Structure

Like most large-scale societies, WATOG has a pyramidal structure. The founding members at the First General Assembly determined six main geographical regions and agreed that two delegates from each region form the Executive Board.


The delegates are responsible for managing the member countries within their region through the national representatives. ENTOG has a particular position since it is already a well-functioning federation of trainee associations in Europe. Following this example, the WATOG’s objective is to promote the federation of trainee associations within other regions as well.


The executive board members refer to the bureau and report on the situation and activities in their region. The officers keep contact with large-scale senior societies and organize major international events for trainees with the accord and help of the executives and other active members. The officers are also responsible for fund-raising for such activities.


The national representatives are elected or appointed by their local junior association or the senior society. They form the General Assembly every 3 years. This is the moment when Executive Board members and Officers are elected for the following 3 years. 

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